divendres, 23 de novembre del 2012

Unit 3:Offer and ask for help

Pol: A salad was a great idea, Pol.
Enric: Yes, Thanks. I'm looking forward to it.
Pol: Have we got everything?
Enric: Well, we've got enough drink, but tere isn't too much food
Pol: Shall I get some hot dog or something? There's a show near here
Enric: Would you mind ?
Pol: No, That's fine
Enric: Thanks, Pol. Could you get some bread too ? And we need some dishes.
Pol: OK, no problem I'll see what they've got

Chocolate pizza

This delicious pizza is in fact made of chocolate. It comes in three sizes: small,medium and large.

Tv Highlights

The highlight if this week TV was definetely the comedy show 'La Que Se Avecina'. Judit has a new job and Enrique doesn't like it. Antonio Recio spent a lot of time with his son and it was very crazy.
Channel 3's 'El Convidat' was also worth watching. In Monday episode, Albert Om visited a nun called Maria Victoria Molins. Albert says questions to Maria and she answered.
Finally,something which also caught my eyes was a documentary about the Amazon. They were talking about the deforestation of the Amazons they says yhat a lot of animals disapper by our fault. It was a good documentary

Unit 2: Talk about TV programmes

Enric: Hi, Pol.Did you go out last night?
Pol: No, I stayed in and watched TV.
Enric: Oh? What was on ?
Pol: The now quiz show on TV3.
Enric: Oh,yes? Was it any good?
Pol: Yes, it was fantastic. There was an amazing participant on it. Didn't you see it ?
Enric: No, I missed it. I was playing tennis.
Pol: You should try to watch it next time. It's really good.
Enric: OK then, I will.

Unit 1: Indentify and find out about people

Enric : Who are you looking at, Pol?
Pol: Oh, hi, Enric. Who's that girl over there?: The girl with the short hair?
Enric: No, the girl with the red T-shirt. She's talking on the phone. 
Pol: Oh, yes. What about her?
Enric: Does she go to our school?
Pol: Yes,She's in year 14. Why?
Enric: She looks so pretty. She's got a curious and sensitive face.
Pol:She's OK, but you aren't her type, Enric. She likes blonde hair. 
Enric: Oh, that's a pity. Never mind.