divendres, 24 de maig del 2013


Freddie inspired... Mika. Both of these show a men are known for their high voice, vocal range and eccentric style. 

Water art

American photographer Tim Tadder has produced a great series of futuristic pictures showing bald people with water instead of hair. It's not a digital trick-the water is in ballons that are dropped on the models' heads. Tadder takes the photo at the exact moment the balloon explodes. See the full collection at  www.timtadder.com

Speaking Unit 8: Recommendand express preferences

Pol- Hey, Bernat, have you seen any good films recently?
Bernat- Yes, one or two. Have you?
Pol- No. What about this one? Is it any good?
Bernat- I'd only recommend that if you like really bad musicals.
Pol- No, i don't fancy that.
Bernat- Here you are. You might prefer this.
Pol- What's that? Mission to Planet Q? No, I'm not a big fan of science fiction. I'd prefer a comedy.
Bernat- A comedy... er... OK, well, try this one. It's got a really funny plot. I think you'll like it.
Pol- Ok. I'll trust you. Thanks, Bernat.
Bernat- No problem.

Speaking Unit 9: Express doubt and persuate

Pol: Hey, Bernat, what on earth is that?
Bernat:Oh, I got it this morning. What do you think? Do you like it?
Pol: Mmm. I'm not convinced.
Bernat: Don't you think it's interesting?
Pol: Er,sort of, but I'm not sure about the face-it's a bit mad.
Bernat: Oh,come on It isn't that bad. It's really colourful. It's good to have a new picture,anyway.
Pol: I suppouse so.
Bernat: Don't worry, it'll be fine. It'll grow on you.
Pol: OK.We'll see

Speaking Unit 7:Talk about plans and arrangements

Bernat: Hi, Mr Pol. Have you got a minute?
Mr Pol: Hello, Bernat. What can I do for you?
Bernat: I'm going a hundred-kilometre run for charity next week, and I'm looking for sponsors.
Mr Pol: that's very good, Bernat. What's it for?
Bernat: It's for a african childrens.
Mr Pol: And when are you running?
Bernat: I'm running next Saturday. I'm hoping to rise about 1500 €. Will you sponsor me?
Mr Pol: Yes, OK. It sounds like a good cause. I hope you finish it!
Bernat: I'm going to try! Some friends are going to do it too.
Mr Pol: Good luck, Bernat.
Bernat: Thanks.

divendres, 3 de maig del 2013


I'd like to recommend a film which I saw recently, called Avatar. The director of the film is James Cameron.

The film is a science fction and the setting is in another planet called Pandora. The main character is Jake Sully. Jake is a paraplegic former marine, repplaces his deceased twin brother as an operator of ome.

All in all, I really liked the film, though it hasn't got a ending

divendres, 26 d’abril del 2013

''Crazy'' fan

When the New York Giants' American football stadium was demolished in 2010, lifelong fan Don Martini befa costructing a replica model in his garage. Now, after spending two years and $20000 to build the stadium, it's finished. The model is six metres long and nearly two metres high, and has working floodlights, a giant video screen and a moving train, ''I'm sure there are a lot of crazy guys like me. But not more so, that's for sure,'' Don says